At sixty years old, Jack Steele has long since retired from putting criminals, especially those that hurt children, in prison. Following his retirement from law enforcement, he built a successful multimillion-dollar company, allowing him financial freedom in his golden years. Following the unexpected loss of his wife, Sarah, however, he withdraws into himself. He becomes a loner whose only companion is his German shepherd, Sadie. Sick of a court system that lets monsters out of prison to torture and kill again and again, he decides there is only one way to stop them. Using his own resources, his credentials as a retired police officer, and his .380 Walther, he and his dog begin to hunt, bringing justice to those whom the system cannot control. After all, enough is enough.
"Barton's book The Goodbye Man features a gorgeous German Shepard, Sadie... Jack, a retired cop turned successful businessman, cannot let go of a defining moment in his life. As a young, inexperienced cop he was faced with the choice: put the gun down and the perp gets away with the child ... or, steady the nerves to the max and shoot the perp in the head ... After retirement, he continues to be frustrated by child molesters getting off lightly or, not even getting caught at all. And with Sadie by his side he sets out to change that."
Chad Barton spent his first career in law enforcement as a crime scene investigator involving major crimes and retired as a detective sergeant. He currently resides in Florida, where he owns several successful businesses. He is pictured here with his dog, Sadie.
"Having been in law enforcement I can identify with the author's character in reference to how he feels about the judicial system allowing criminals to walk out of prison without so much as a slap on the wrist. Mr Barton has written a very good and accurate portrayal of the frustration law enforcement people feel in the wake of our sometimes lacking judicial system. I applaud him for his candid approach to a solution that his hero has chosen to deal with this frustration. I look forward to his next endeavor."
"A well-crafted novel that cuttingly tackles vigilantism and vengeance."
~Kircus Reviews
(only 99cents in Kindle!)
Available in hardback, paperback & Kindle
(Check your email) and fill out the form below to claim your bonuses.
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"This book mixes elements of romance, murder, suspense, vigilantism and sadness. As a person, you become proud and encouraging of Jack ... even knowing that what he's doing is against the law and a sin. Who wouldn't want to hunt down and kill child rapists and murderers?"
Christine Redlin is an author, award-winning TV film/producer, talent, and entertainment executive. Christine has worked in the entertainment industry over 30 years and has resided in the 5-star, world-renowned city of Beverly Hills, California for over 25 years. Recently, Christine served as the co-producer and voice talent of the documentary MY RUN (, narrated by Academy Award winner Billy Bob Thornton, which has won 10 Best Documentary awards at major film festivals.
Christine will offer a FREE (the good "F" word), 15-minute phone consultation with general information about the entertainment industry with an emphasis on film producing and her inspiring lifestyle mindset on staying in faith. She will also offer cost savings suggestions on how you can pursue your entertainment dreams in your hometown or Hollywood while getting the rent and bills paid! (Value $50. For additional phone consultations, a fee is required).
Learn what the Hopi and Edgar Cayce had to say about how good people will be magically protected during the coming earth changes.
Hunt Henion: PhD in Religious Studies, Ex-Buddhist, Ex-clergy. Presently the "National Practical Spirituality Examiner" for paper, The Examiner.
Christine Redlin
FREE 15-Minute Phone Consultation On Cost Savings & Inspiration While Pursuing
Your Entertainment Dreams In Hollywood or Your Hometown!
Kimberly PalmC.M.I.
Live Longer, Healthier & Happier with Stress Management
Hunt Henion, Ph.D
Magical Mechanisms of the World Revealed, Chapter of the Best-Selling book, Looking, Seeing & Knowing
Wayne Dyer and Other Legends on Passion - Your special gift from Healthy Wealthy 'n Wise magazine:
Mark Victor Hansen interviewing Dr. Wayne Dyer on Passion- One of the very best Passion series interviews, this hour long dialog covers everything from the story of Mark carrying Wayne's books for him 30 years ago, to Wayne's practical strategies for living an inspired life
Access to the HWnW complete ebook library - Over 70 ebooks in 13 categories featuring people like Brian Tracy, Joe Vitale and Dan Kennedy.
This introduction to meditation provides the reader with a strong foundation for gaining the full benefits when creating a mediation practice in one's life.
Mark Victor Hansen
Access to Real Life Legends Interviews
Chris & Janet Attwood
Take Your Passion Test
Astara Teal Summers
Expand With Love~ A Guide to Recognizing Love
in the Midst of Change
Sallie Felton
If I'm So Smart, Why Can't I Get Rid of the Clutter - 7 Great Tools to Help You!
Barry Maher
No Lie: Truth Is the Ultimate Sales Tool
Chaney Weiner
Breakthrough to Achieve 5 Lesson Training Course
Anisa Aven
Vibration Elevation Formula
Dr. Tianna Conte
Complimentary 30-Day Energy Balance Service
Dr. Bill R. Path
2 ch of Moments of Forever: Discovering the True Power & Importance of Your Life
Gemeem Davis
Chapter from book, Make Life Work
Laura Wilson
Dating Singles Free Offer
Sonia Meyer
Chapter from Bestselling Book: Dosha, Flight of the Russian Gypsies
Dr. Anna Maria Prezio
Power and Prosperity through Feng Shui & Color
Let’s face it; everyone has clutter to some degree or another! It’s how you deal with the clutter that makes the difference between conquering your clutter and allowing your clutter to conquer you. In this practical guide, author and life coach Sallie Felton, walks you through the practical steps and organizational strategies that make it easy to stay organized; but this book goes deeper and uncovers the hidden reasons why it can be so hard to get clutter free and stay that way.
7 Great tools to help you get organized!
No Lie: Truth Is the Ultimate Sales Tool is a modern day classic, which has been translated around the world, a whole new way of selling, geared for anyone who ever needs to sell anything to anyone. As Selling Power magazine, wrote, “To his powerful and famous clients, Barry Maher is simply the best sales trainer in the business.”
Beside being at least one of the very best sales trainers in the business, author Barry Maher speaks, writes and consults on leadership, management and communications. An amazingly motivational keynote speaker and workshop leader, he can be reached through his website at
Join the movement, Choose the Win/Win & experience Abundance flow right into your life...NOW!
Grab your copy of Make Life Work TODAY!
In Make Life Work, Gemeem shows you how to...
- Master the Great Conversation between the inner you (your soul) and the outer you (the hear and now you), so you can get out of wanting and into having the lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about.
- Create a solid foundation for your business based on what you have to give... so you can make a greater contribution to the world.
- Incorporate new habits into your life to “set” your law of attraction point on abundance so that what you want resonates and effortlessly flows to you.
Life equals You. The innermost part of you. Work, refers not to your job, but to the required power, energy and effort it takes to move something from one place to another. To Make Life Work is to allow the inner You to release the power, energy and effort needed to move you from where you are to where You want to be.
As a Certified Professional Coach I work with people who are single or in relationship transitions that dream of finding their Soulmate, but keep ending up with the wrong person. I have a special gift for helping others get a clear picture of what they really want in a mate, as well as knowing themselves at a deeper level. This gives them more confidence and certainty when dating or talking to potential partners so they don’t continue to waste time on someone who isn’t right for them. For my clients this means, they get find the right person right away, and stop the heartache that comes from being in unhealthy relationships. Are you someone who has had a case of “bad” relationships, and is ready to stop playing the dating game?
In 1956, Khrushchev's Thaw triggers the Hungarian Revolution and upheaval in the Soviet Empire. During Khrushchev's first state visit to Helsinki, Dosha, star rider of the Soviet Dressage Team and her horse defect with the help of local Gypsies. The novel follows the life of Dosha, a Gypsy in disguise. It offers unique insight into the tribal life of nomadic Gypsies, who under Stalin joined partisans fighting Nazi invaders, only to face entrapment during Khrushchev's Thaw. By then Dosha and her talented circus horse have been drafted into the dressage team in Leningrad. Navigating political intrigue, narrowly escaping discovery by the KGB, she enters a love forbidden to Gypsy women. One goal remains uppermost in her mind leading her tribe and her horse to freedom in the West.
*The Number ONE Obstacle that Interferes with Wealth Building more than anything else which very few people are aware of.*Why you are doing things you don’t want to do and how you can start doing the things you love most.
- The #1 strategy you must have in order to make quantum leaps in your life that very few people follow.
- How to overcome the 3 tricks your mind uses to keep you stuck so you can start attracting more of what you want.
Here are some of the tools and techniques you’ll receive:
- The main questions to ask so you can identify what is most important to you that help you attract what you want.
- The important question to ask yourself that increases your level of deserving in any area of your life.
- A simple technique that shows you how to overcome mind chatter that keeps you stuck
- A list of positive self talk phrases to use and negative self talk phrases to avoid
No matter how many books you've read on personal growth; No matter how many audios you've listened to on achieving your dreams; No matter how many courses, teachers, coaches, gurus and psychics you've paid to help you realize your goals; If you aren't using the ©Vibration Elevation Formulas then you're taking the long road to personal and professional fulfillment Apply this 6-minute formula to instantly shift your level of consciousness, stop self-sabotage and empower your magnetic attraction.
Anisa's willingness to be authentic and transparent as she shares her personal journey and formula for success has garnered legions of loyal fans. Considered one of the world's top manifestation mentors and a law of attraction icon, Anisa makes complicated Conscious Success principles accessible and easy to use. From her corporate position as CEO of a global, executive coaching firm with coaches on every continent, to her role as an author of dozens of Intentional Success programs to her cherished responsibility as wife and mother, Anisa's passion shines bright as she supports you in uniting your life's passion with your work, attracting your dreams and fulfilling your purpose.
Experience a complimentary 30 day service (Value $150.00) that effortlessly balances your energy field and subtly reduces stress...making all things possible with ease and grace. Dr. Tianna Conte is a unique blend of mystic and scientist. Her childhood mystical roots led to a career that has spanned over 25 years as a trained Naturopath, Ordained Interfaith Minster and initiated Shaman. Her passion is in integrating ancient healing wisdom and cutting edge technologies in energy mastery.
This special e-book provides you with a personal map for matching your power color to enhance different parts of your house, your body and your mind. Do you know what your personal power color is? Do you know what color during meditation can kill of disease? Do you know what color can release stress or relieve pain? Color can open new possibilities whether they are related to your business or your personal life. Don't ignore the power of color and its associations. Color affects us in a profound way. Feng Shui and color has power and endless possibilities to create wealth, health and happiness in our lives.
NY Times bestseller, The Passion Test
Passion is key to success in any area of life. Take your Passion Test Profile and find out where you stand in being aligned with your passions and how you can raise your passion level.
Expand with Love holds simple yet powerful information that helps us remember love is ever present. It is within our power to open to the flow of love. It is the flow of love that will bring us through the trials and tribulations of life with grace and clarity.
It is my hope that “Expand with Love” will bring you greater clarity and strength as the changes in life accelerate. We are living during a time of tremendous growth on many levels. All of us are being called in one way or another to be strong, loving and true. We are being called to embrace our personal power and walk the path of our destiny. For this to happen we must break free from all the traps that have appeared to be reality. We are being called to rise up, stand tall and Expand with Love.
After surviving a tragic motorcycle accident at the tender age of eighteen, Astara embarked on an inward journey that would define the rest of her life. the process of healing her physical,mental and emotional bodies became the teachings of Conscious Mastery. She has assisted people of all ages rediscovery their personal power, talents and joy.
Thomas S. Ciraulo, MS, CL
The Simple Truth to Achieving Optimum Health" also available my FREE 140 plus page Cancer Report
Alice Elliott Brown
Getting a Life: Making a Living
Reading and Learning from Tom Ciraulo's Book and (FREE) Cancer,140 plus page, Report May Be Beneficial To Your Health Regardless of Your Current Health Condition. This statement is made because of the information you will learn, such as: The prime cause of cancer; As stated by a Nobel Peace Prize Winner-Scientifically documented. What ingredient in common foods that you and your kids consume everyday that helps cancer grow.-Scientifically documented.
Which foods help reduce your risk of cancer and that improving your immune system and obtaining optimum health is not as hard as you might think. Even if you had or currently have cancer. Which simple exercises can help your cells stay cleaner and therefore help in reducing or eliminating pain and cancer-Based on Scientific Research. Natural and effective approaches to Pain Management, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease and More.
Thomas S. Ciraulo, MS, CL is a Certified Lymphologist, Nutrition/Wellness Coach, Educator and Author who specializes in the educating of those individuals who are willing to learn and implement a nutrition/wellness program. He is a noted speaker and lecturer and has been a featured guest and interviewed by many radio stations across the country including Montel Williams on his Montel Across America Program. His program is a highly effective complementary medicine program that is primarily holistic in nature, but it is driven by logic and supported by medical science. He became a Certified Lymphologist through the International Academy of Lymphology and holds a Masters Degree in Holistic Nutrition from the Clayton College of Natural Healing. Tom is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.
Mastering your universe starts right here! If you've wanted to strike out on your own, but didn't know where to start, this is the practical handbook for you! Alice Elliott Brown skips the philosophy and goes straight to the keys -- how to do it, where to find help, and what to expect when you get there.
Gets you on track for starting your own business
Shows you exactly what to do step-by-step
Starts at the beginning, for the first-time entrepreneur
Includes practical exercises for hands-on experience
A must-read guide for every new and would-be entrepreneur!
You will receive two thought-provoking chapters that describe humanity’s higher callings…the ongoing pursuit of: complete knowledge, absolute truth, perfect justice, genuine relevance, true meaning, and definitive purpose. Use these chapters to create a road map for your own life.
Moments of Forever is a timeless book that is an intellectually uplifting experience—eye opening and at the same time, inspirational and motivational. It explains your place in the vastness of humanity and reveals the incredible significance of every single life.
Dr. Bill R. Path is an Arkansas native and holds degrees in Bible, counseling, and higher education. He is currently the president of a community college in Norfolk, Nebraska where he enjoys coalition building activities and motivational speaking.
Kathy Noll
Bullying Advice from Award-Winning Author
IGNITE THE GENIUS WITHIN! This free bilateral soundtrack will unleash and unblock your creativity (and expand your consciousness) like nothing else you've ever experienced!
Ignite the Genius Within by Dr. Christine Ranck and Christopher Lee Nutter (Penguin Books) is a revolutionary audio/visual instrument that provides an experience of heightened self-awareness never before delivered in a book.
Dr. Christine Ranck
Free Bilateral Soundtrack for Creativity
Shawn Latham
Simple Ways To Get Paid Writing
Elizabeth Bennett
How to Protect Yourself from Cyber Bullies Ebook
Guide to assist business owners and entrepreneurs to improve their business during a 'slow' economy
Georgina Terry, FCCA–The Passions to Profitability Expert– is a business and people development coach with a difference – she is a qualified accountant, mentor, change management consultant, local and international inspirational speaker, International Labour Organisational (ILO) certified trainer and author of the best selling book ‘The Amazing Race to Entrepreneurial Freedom’.
With over 20 years’ of outstanding results delivery and experience, Georgina uses her skills and knowledge globally to help people achieve previously unrealised business and personal goals.
Georgina Terry
Free ECourse to Beat the Slow Economy
Discover how to experience the transforming fire of Unconditional Love that heals emotional wounds, dispels fear, comforts, fills and satisfies the deep longing of the soul from the inside out...
Alicia Isaacs writes practical life-changing inspirational thoughts, insights, steps and tips gleaned from personal experience and observation. She shares profound spiritual wisdom in very simplistic but thought-provoking terms. Her article, Creating Miracles – the Process, was featured in the Black Star News.
Alicia Isaacs
The Power of Unconditional Love
Dr. Eric Kaplan
Free Article: Controlled Emotion, Focused Energy and the Power of Persistence Lead to Success
When I discuss success strategies with my patients, many of my favorite analogies are
drawn from the game of golf. This sport is one of the best metaphors I know of for
successful living because it contains all of the elements required for setting, tending and
reaching one's goals.
I've learned that the excitement of the game comes not from getting the ball in the hole,
but from the challenge of reducing the number of strokes it takes to achieve that triumph
(ingrained goal setting). Life without goals is like a golf green without a flag, or a hole
without a par.
Linda Barnett-Johnson is a virtual assistant to authors, pro:viding many marketing programs, social media work and editing services. She creates beautiful book trailer to help you market your books. She is offering a 20% discount on editing services. This offer is good through August 2012.
Cindy Williams
Got Pain? An Introduction with Some Ideas
Welcome to the Grab a Beverage Show; today's episode is Got pain? An introduction with some ideas. Barbra and Cindy use their opposite personality traits, humor and ideas to help you begin the removal process of pain. They'll discuss ways they've found online and not, to spread the word. Both ladies share some experiences, observations and research. Go to this link to view other episodes;
Are You a Working Mom Checking Off an Endless List of To-Do’s?
What if you could DO it all and ENJOY it too?
If you’ve signed up for working motherhood, you are not the kind of person who does the minimum to get by, you are striving for 110%.What is really inspiring, is that you are committed to doing a great job in all areas of life. You are committed at work and committed at home. The problem is, that sometimes you feel you should be “committed” for having taken it all on in the first place, right? What if 110% were easier to achieve? What if you could enjoy more of the “quality moments” in life without giving up effectiveness or any of the dreams you have for yourself and family? It is possible. You can change your experience of life, without significantly changing your circumstances.
Jamee Tenzer
7 Days to Achieve Peace Through Imperfection Video Series
Linda Barnett-Johnson
20% Discount on Editing Services
Tim Carroll
Club Membership & Astrological Chart
Dr. Joe Rubino
Acclaimed TV Video, Self-Esteem Mini-Course and Success Club Membership ($129 Value) from Dr. Joe Rubino, One of the World’s Foremost Experts on Self-Esteem Elevation
In this hard hitting, insightful hour long television interview, Dr. Joe Rubino, one of the world's leading life optimization coaches and experts on self-esteem elevation answers questions that encompass the origins of low self-esteem, the emotional addictions that ruin people's lives, the keys to healing one's painful past, the best ways out of the downward spiral of damaging self-talk and destructive interpretations, the secrets to creating an empowering life plan, the antidote to resignation and self-sabotage, the access to designing an optimum life of no regrets that is marked by passion, purpose, fulfillment, abundance, rich relationships, and happiness and much, much more. Called by many, the most informative and interesting interview they have ever seen, this enlightening dialog will challenge you to step into a whole new way of being that reflects your inherent magnificence.
This is the first chapter of her bestselling book BREAKAWAY, How I Survived Abuse..
Breakaway is the breathtaking and courageous story of one woman's survival of molestation, rape, repeated beatings, domestic violence, and other attempts on her life.
• Nadia reveals hope, courage and inspiration!
• A true story of personal freedom
• Highly revealing memoir - dramatic details of more than 18 years of abuse.
Nadia's memoir Breakaway: How I Survived Abuse was released in September 2009 and It is a must read for women and young girls everywhere. BREAKAWAY lifts the veil on her struggle for freedom from abuse. Until her twenties, she was a victim of many abuses, including molestation, repeated beatings, rape, kidnapping, forced illegal abortion, and several attempts on her life. Miraculously, she survived. Through it all, she clung to her dream to be an actress. She never gave up. Today, she is finally living her dream after years of healing and forgiveness. She is free at last! Download a FREE CHAPTER.
Nadia Sahari
Chapter from Bestseller, Breakaway - Grandfather's Room
Now you can be a more effective Public Speaker, with award-winning humorist and public speaking coach, Peter "The Reinvention Guy" Fogel e-course
Here’s what you will learn:
*How A Black Belt In Karate Can Help You Become an Accomplished Speaker
*Why You Don’t Want To Never, Ever, Memorize Your Speech
*Why You Absolutely Have To Have Control of Your Environment
*If You Want To Deliver A Dynamic Presentation
*How To Use The 6 W’s of Effective Journalism In Your Presentation For Optimal Results
*How Body Gestures Can Make or Break Your Speech
(PLUS a surprise BONUS worth $65)
Peter Fogel
"The Reinvention Guy"- 7 Days to More Effective Public Speaking
Mark Castaldo
FREE 15-phone minute consultation, about steps to take your book to the Film or TV screen!
(additional consulting fee required)!
Where does a new author turn for help on promoting her book? Sure, there's the usual word of mouth, advice from fellow writers, close-your-eyes-and hope-for-the-best reliance on agents, publishers and publicists. But if you really want to understand the process, and make educated decisions with regard to what most authors feel is the "black hole" of promotion, read award-winning Carolyn Howard-Johnson's The Frugal Promoter.
Instructor for nearly a decade at the renowned UCLA Extension Writers' Program and
Author of the multi award-winning series of HowToDoItFrugally books including the second edition honored by USA BOOK NEWS.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Sharing with Writers Newsletter a FREE copy of
Great Little Last-Minute Editing Tips for Writers
It Doesn’t Matter if You Flunked High School English – Now You Too Can Use Simple Articles to Get More Traffic, More Customers and More Cash,FAST! Learn the Secrets
You’ve heard all the hype and hoopla about article marketing, right? Seems like every guru and their brother claims that all you need to do is write a simple article, submit it around the web, and soon you’ll have a pot o’ gold in your account.Except most article marketers don’t enjoy these pot o’ gold fairytale results! It makes you wonder: What are these article marketers smoking? Are they pulling your leg… or are they really pulling down big profits with their content? Truth is, there are a whole lot of article marketers out there making bank with their content. But hardly anyone spills the beans about how they’re doing it! Oh sure, they tell you where to submit your content. They tell you how to get your articles accepted into the important article directories. They even give you tips and tools for mass-submitting a boatload of content.
Shawn Latham has an impressive background in sales management, training, and as an executive for large companies. However, his passion has always been reading, learning, and teaching. Among other topics, he has spent years researching and studying both the mental and physical aspects of living a more joyful and productive life. His goal is to find simple, easy-to-implement ideas that work in the real world. Shawn Latham is a successful entrepreneur, online marketing expert, motivational speaker, teacher, and advisor to e-businesses and writers worldwide. He is the best-selling Author of "Dynamic Productivity and Organizational Guide", "Simple Ways to Get Paid Writing" , "The Highly Profitable List building Academy: Secrets to huge profits building list online" , "Your Complete Guide to Profits with Real Estate Rentals"
Crystal Andrus
21 Day Create and Sustain Success Course
21 Day Create and Sustain Success Course
You won't want to miss this life transforming course from the founder of The SWAT Institute, Crystal Andrus. Learn how to "Create and Sustain Success" in every aspect of your life!
This 21 Day empowerment bonus gift is yours for free:
Value $297
Get Denise's 8 keys to Your #1 Bestseller Audio Guide and learn the ins and outs of creating your own #1 Bestseller campaign. You'll learn all the best ways to reach out to partners, how to use Amazon to your best advantage, why social networking is important and much, much more!
Dr. Doris Helge - A SPECIAL BONUS!
Difficult People? Difficult Conversations? (Gift package-value $397)
Gain award-winning secrets to end "Difficult Person" & "Difficult Conversations" dilemmas. You'll also avoid Gender Communication Barriers. Receive two free videos and take advantage of a complimentary coaching session with Bestselling Author, Master Certified Coach, Doris Helge, Ph.D. As seen on "The Today Show", CNN & NPR.
Kathi Casey - The Healthy Boomer Body Expert
Top Twelve Stress Busters
Kathi Casey, "The Healthy Boomer Body Expert" is a renowned health coach, columnist, has appeared on Fox 23, ABC-8 Evening News, produces her own TV show, “To Your Health.” and founded The Healthy Boomer Body Center in Massachusetts. Her newest book “STOP Back Pain” is an Amazon international best seller.
Twelve simple techniques that easily fit into your busy schedule, don’t cost a penny and take very little time - a must have in today’s fast paced world! Stress is inevitable, but you can easily choose a different reaction to stressful situations, finding some peace and calm in the storm.
Gerry Hopman
Manage your stress with humor and laughter
Manage your stress with humor and laughter' provides unique ways to manage our high-stress lifestylews
Gerry Hopman is a Humorist, Humor Motivational Speaker and Author, who believes that humor and laughter are essential to finding and maintaining balance in life and career.
Do you want to live longer and be healthy and happy every day? The thing that is preventing you from doing this is stress. According to world renowned doctors, scientists and the government, stress causes 95% of illness in the body. Stress is the leading cause of premature death in the world right now. In this "free" 30 minute Stress Management session, customized for you, you will learn how to conquer stress and manage it, so it doesn't conquer you. To claim your bonus, just go to the contact form on the link provided and enter in your name, email, select "beginning instruction" and in the comment box, type "30 minute stress seminar".
Kimberly Palm, C.M.I. is a Wellness Coach, Certified Meditation Instruction, Energy Healer, Stress Management expert, Author, and Speaker. For many years, Kimberly experienced many stress related health issues, that could not be healed by any of the doctors she visited. In search of healing, knowledge and answers, Kimberly spent 15 years studying stress management, alternative medicine, meditation and energy healing. After healing herself using all the techniques she acquired, Kimberly decided to help others to be healthy and live longer. Kimberly began her business "Body & Mind Healing, LLC", for the sole purpose ofhealing and teaching people all over the world to live better lives. Kimberly is currently writing a book on Stress Management and enjoys working with people of all ages
Double award-winning audiobook, Journey Through Pet Loss by Deborah Antinori features her original poetry that has been requested at pet loss memorial events and featured at national conferences. "Everything Important to Know in Life, I Learned From My Dog" is the gift poem - never before released in print. Also, a listing of helpful Tips for Coping with Pet Loss will be included in the gift - a must for those anticipating or experiencing a loss.
Deborah Antinori has been a psychotherapist in private practice for twenty years - The Davison Counseling Center in Basking Ridge, NJ. She added the Pet Loss and Lifespan Transitions specialty to her practice in 1997. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Brainspotting Therapist who is also a National Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist – Fellow: Certified in Pesso/Boyden System Psychomotor Therapist and in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing); Registered Drama Therapist; and Fellow in Thanatology (by the Association for Death Education and Counseling). Deborah’s critically acclaimed audiobook, Journey Through Pet Loss, which she wrote, produced and narrated, won an Audie Award from the Audio Publishers Association and a Book of the Year Award from ForeWord Magazine.
Deborah Antinori
Pet Loss poem from the award-winning audiobook,
Journey Through Pet Loss, and Tips for Coping with Pet Loss
A Big Thank You to Denise Cassino
for Coordinating this Launch
Betty Jo Tucker
Excerpt from Confessions of a Movie Addict
A Free membership of an elite Singles Club – “Tribe of Singles”
A FREE astrological chart from a renowned astrologer – Toni Thomas Dore
At last, a life story with everything but the movie stuff edited out. CONFESSIONS OF A MOVIE ADDICT chronicles Betty Jo's love affair with film from the 1930s through the beginning of the new millennium. Complete with a section featuring entertaining film reviews and revealing celebrity interviews, this humorous memoir is a must-read for movie fans!
Jane Bernard
Am I Really Hungry?
Christa Jan Ryan
Chapter from Silent Screams from the Hamptons
Am I Really Hungry? reveals how to eat when you're hungry and stop when you're not. The book reveals 10 tools that end the diet nightmare for good. Based on interviews and observation, this new book talks about eating hot buttons from the dieter's perspective while revealing and explaining how intuitive eaters depend on real tools to stay in control of their eating.
Jane is a regular on The Montel Show talking about intuition. Her first book, Fine Tuning is designed to help people recognize and tune in to their intuition. It can be opened to any page for a sound-bite of insight. Jane's savvy helps people connect with clarity to make empowering Life choices by using their senses with intuition and experience.
Because Jane Bernard is the expert to talk to about intuition, she was asked to write a book about intuitive eating.
Christa Jan Ryan’s current book, Silent Screams from the Hamptons, is a memoir set in the fabulous Hamptons. Interwoven throughout the book are events from her marriage and the ever-present shadow of her improbable family of origin. Her unique style of attacking profound issues with humor, makes for a compelling read.
Today, Christa reaches families and women overcoming addiction and abuse through her dramatic readings and presentations. She supports organizations that fight Domestic Violence. One of her partners is WaDt.
Ryan has been honored with both the Award of Courage from in Atlanta, GA and the Award of Hope from the Center of Family Service in Camden, New Jersey. Ryan currently lives with her two sons and two cats in Western MA, where her writing provides a renewed sense of purpose.
Visit Christa's website at
Denise Cassino
8 Keys to Your #1 Bestseller
Free Report from Glamour Magazine's Woman of the Year, Kathy Noll -- based on the award-winning book, "Taking the Bully by the Horns" National Awards for helping schools, educators, parents and children "Empower Those in Need, Make the World a Better Place, and Save Children's Lives."
A practical, step-by-step prosperity program Filled with timeless wisdom. Written in 1910…A Classic! The Science of Getting Rich is a brilliant 90-year-old manuscript. The Science of Getting Rich applies equally to all WOMEN and Men. Introduction by Maureen G. Mulvaney, MGM, Author of THE WOMEN’S MILLIONAIRE CLUB
Judy Lavine
How to Heal Your Biggest Problem
Sherry Gaba
Enrich Your Life Series: Eliminating Negative Beliefs
Robin Charlsen
30 day Free Twitter Building w/90 Day Commitment
Becky Curran
How to Overcome Any Disability in Life
Russell Bittner
Chapters from his novel, Trompe L'oeil
How cool would it be if you could become free from your “old issues” ~ the ones that you feel hold you back from becoming happy? And thus, set you “free” you be YOU ~ the best YOU … that deep in you heart … you know you can be?
Put your name into the box on my website and this gift will be automatically downloaded to your email.
Judy is a medical intuitive, healer, and shaman with over 30 years of teaching disciplines such as: Clinical Hypnosis, NLP (Trainer of Trainers), Oriental Medicine, Crystal Healing, Reiki Master, Dowsing, Feng Shui, Laser Technology, and more. Known as “healer to the
herbal, homeopathic, and “made-to-order” remedies in her international practice and

Sherry Gaba is a Life Coach and Psychotherapist on Celebrity Rehab, Sober House, and Celebrity Rehab's Sex Addiction with Dr. Drew on VH1 specializing in individual, couples, family, and group psychotherapy and maintains a private practice in Agoura, CA With over fifteen years of experience as a clinician, and a graduate of USC specializing in addictions, eating disorders, parenting, single parenting, divorce, and life coaching, she is currently serving as a private practitioner working with a broad spectrum of clients.. Sherry Gaba, has presented at National conferences and to general audiences on numerous topics. Sherry Gaba is a practical, interactive, solution-focused therapist. Her treatment approach is to provide support and practical feedback to help clients resolve current problems and long-standing patterns. She incorporates a blend of conventional and alternatives approaches, drawing upon a variety of styles and techniques to incorporate what will be most helpful for each client. With sensitivity and compassion, she works with each client to help them build on their strengths to identify and achieve life goals. She can be reached at or or This eBook will show you how to determine what beliefs are holding you back & how to take back control of your beliefs. Changing the negative into positive to experience immediate results. Learn To Live Your Best Life Now!
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By attending our teleclasses you will learn how the life coaching process works. You will gain more clarity and confidence to decide whether the life coaching process will be best for you to accomplish your life, and business goals.
In 2000, Bill chose to hire his own coach to help him take control of his life. Even though he was strongly connected within the coaching industry, having been in charge of membership development of the International Coaching Federation, (ICF) it took him 6 months and 28 coaches before he chose Thom Politico as his coach, because Thom was the first and only coach who asked Bill for his coachable goal before he would begin coaching. Through coaching with Thom, Bill rediscovered his five core ingredients and created his new ideal income position as the cofounder of The Coach Connection, (TCC) which he started in June of 2001. This remarkable exercise of working with Thom is described in the book. Bill turned his life around and once again was able to go to play every day and get to call it work. Now he offers the same life changing information to you!
Twenty seven years ago, I was born an achondroplastic dwarf. This means that I have an average height torso but shorter arms and legs. I stand 4 feet tall. Every day I’m forced to adapt to the “average” height world that we live in. Whether it’s using a stool or pedal extensions for driving, I figure out a way to make it work.
Dwarfism is a recognized condition under the Americans with Disabilities Act, but a large number of people with disabilities will tell you that they wouldn’t change anything except for how the world reacts to their disability. What I've learned in life is that the real disability can only be found inside. This paper includes many tips on how to get through life with any disability!
Why would a woman entering middle age--attractive, sexy, articulate, imaginative, intelligent, charming, charismatic, wealthy and successful in almost every aspect of her life--knowingly give up the only thing missing from that life: namely, love? And love with a younger man she meets serendipitously not once, but three times--and whose appreciation of her quickly grows from mere physical attraction to adoration and then to obsession? The riddle from start to finish is perhaps to be found in the word "knowingly." The answer to that riddle? Revealed only in the final chapter of this erotic novel.
Elizabeth grew up in the state of South Carolina. She received a M.Ed in Guidance and Counseling Services and also has a background in Psychology. Since 1995 she has worked on the problem of Peer Abuse through observational research and theory development. Through radio, newspaper, news casts, books, newsletters, articles and other forms of media she has been able to educate others throughout the United States. She speaks to both children and adults throughout the nation. Currently, she is certified through the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. She resides in South Carolina caring for her elderly mother and her ginger cat Popcat.
Mark Castaldo, is offering a phone consultation (for a fee) on screenwriting, screenplay adaptation, steps to taking your book to the screen, and/or film producing. Mark has worked in the entertainment industry 20 years. He is an award-winning film producer and judge of the prestigious Nicholl Fellowship (Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences) screenwriting contest, he is an active Screen Actors Guild member for 18 years. Recently, Mark served as the producer of the documentary MY RUN (, narrated by Academy Award winner Billy Bob Thornton, which has won 10 Best Documentary awards at major film festivals.